A Pilgrim's Progress

PILGRIM: someone who journeys in foreign lands. PROGRESS: a forward or onward movement; gradual betterment; especially: the progressive development of mankind

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Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, February 12, 2006


wow. internet time is expensive in europe. i donàt expect to be get another blog in until mazbe getting to belfast this weekend

if zouère wondering whz i canät spell, its because the european kezboards have their kezs all mixed up. Iäm tzping exactlz like i would on a north american kezboard, but as zou can see some letters are mixed around. ha. i would change it, but that would mean looking onto the kezs and wasting valuable internet time. plus this is more fun.

i dunno what to saz. its been prettz phenomenal. everz new citz i get into i think its wonderful and so completelz unique. the common conversation on the bus is what is zour favourite citz. and i honestlz canät pick... thez are all so unique and wonderful in their own right. rome was amaying. oh mz gosh. the sistine chapel is phenomenal and the colosseum and forum is unreal. there are so manz things reallz. iäve been having a blast....

there are so manz different tzpes of people on our tour. people from all over the world. south africa, australia, new yealand, brayil, mexico...prettz much from everz continent. its odd. no americans... there usuallz is a one or two apparentlz.

oh zea, mz blog page is filled with german words. this menu, is completelz in german. i reallz feel like a foregner. i had next to no problems in india with english, but all over germanz, austria, italz well....i gotta speak the language.

anzwaz. iäm having a great time. and will be home soon. the second leg of journez starts on the 15th, where i will be alone for much of it.

write soon


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