A Pilgrim's Progress

PILGRIM: someone who journeys in foreign lands. PROGRESS: a forward or onward movement; gradual betterment; especially: the progressive development of mankind

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Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, April 02, 2006


After four spectacular days in Italy, we headed back up north towards Switzerland. the world's most famous neutral country. Switzerland was an interesting place. Because of where it is geographically, it is very common for most Swiss people to speak at least 4 languages, based on the three countries surrounding it. They typically speak French, Italian, German and English. So really if you go to high school in Switzerland, if anything, a job that you would be guaranteed to have around the European Union is translation work! Switzerland, like Singapore, depends heavily on mandatory conscription to maintain a large enough military to protect its neutral alliances. Except I think the Swiss set the standard for everyone else on the planet. For example, the Pope's personal guards and the Vatican's security is handled by the Swiss guards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Son,

This is a spectacular photo and reminds me of Venice. Only difference is that Venice buildings are closer to each other. And I can't remember these scenes of Lucerne. Good job, PRO.


Sun Apr 02, 11:34:00 PM  

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