A Pilgrim's Progress

PILGRIM: someone who journeys in foreign lands. PROGRESS: a forward or onward movement; gradual betterment; especially: the progressive development of mankind

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Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sunday, August 28, 2005

prayer point

So here is the photo I promised of the High family in Michigan. Today was a long day of work. As many church staff will tell you, Sunday is a lot of work. At Skyline, its pretty crazy. Its one of those churches that sets up everything from scratch. So from about 730am to 130pm. We were pretty much working non stop, to set up and tear down "church". Production value is very high at skyline, sound systems,lighting, full out room decor. Its pretty nuts. I'm taking my camera into work tomorrow to take pics of my co-workers. If they will let me. The canadian jokes have been non stop since I've arrived. Its all done in good fun though, I just wish I was quick enough to counter back with witty american stereotypes.

any suggestions anyone?

so yea, I expect to be working a lot this week, probably 50-60 hours. One thing thats been hard for me, is not knowing off the bat, if this where I'm supposed to be. In many areas, I see my giftings flourishing...and in others...I know I'm not made the way I think(and assume) they are wanting me to function. This week is job description week. we'll see how it goes. =)

Oh right, if you didn't know, I'm staying at my senior pastors home. My roommates are Chris and Lori, alisha (21), and Oby, who is a friend who is staying temporarily with them, Oby is a phenomenal musician, and in some ways, I'll be picking up the reins when he leaves on tour with his Ska band in a couple of weeks. When I see Oby as a musician and the legacy he is leaving behind, I can't help but see my limitations... but when I am weak, then He is strong. but thats just head knowledge at this point. PLEASE pray for me on this issue - especially those of you who know me well and know my insecurities.


Blogger debbie said...

hey bud,

wow, i miss you tons right now. i've totally been thinking and praying of you and talking about you non-stop to my family here.

you made it! you know, i've been thinking a lot about this whole "is this where im called, and if so, am i adequate?" train of thought...coincidentally, im undergoing that too! it occured to me...NEWSFLASH - I AM NOT ADEQUATE IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. Psalm 23 - "the Lord is my shepherd." we looked at this at work this past week...David...big guy...king, warrior, and everything else, and yet he said that the LORD was HIS shepherd...he called himself a sheep - the dumbest animal in the world (or close to it anyway) knowing that he would lead himself astray. with His guidance in your life, you will succeed... just keep saying YES.

John Deere - simon and kristin woulda loved that.

suggestions for american comebacks... "shut up, Yankee" :D

love you,

Mon Aug 29, 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the idea of not knowing if you're in the right place and whether or not you are adequate is a recurring theme. i seem to be going through the same thing right now. but the great thing about these times is that we have to rely on the Lord. so trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your mind, cause He's got you in the palm of his hand. praying for ya.

Mon Aug 29, 05:47:00 PM  

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